Course curriculum

  • 1

    It's not all Cues and Cookies

    • Welcome to Training

    • A Word About Practicing

  • 2

    Getting Off on the Right Foot

    • Name Game to Recall

    • Release Cue

    • Focus - Teaching Your Dog to Give Eye Contact

  • 3

    Starting with the Basics

    • Foundations of Leave it

    • Teaching Sit - Stationary Behavior

    • Teaching Down - Put Your Belly on the Floor

    • Off - Get your feet off of...

    • Building Motivation

  • 4

    Building Impulse Control

    • Sit for Greetings


    • Working Impulse Control with Sit

  • 5

    Working the Leash

    • Impulse Control and Leash Walking

    • Environmental Check-ins

  • 6

    Lesson 5

    • Building Impulse Control with Greetings

    • Leave Food on Floor

    • Stay means STAY means STAY

  • 7

    Lesson 6

    • Wait in the Crate

    • Go out to Your Place