Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Important Information and where to find it

    • Contacting Michelle for Training

    • Contacting The Beck Center

    • Logging your Practice Hours

    • Quick Contact List

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    It's not all Cookies and Biscuits

    • Marker Training

    • Using Treats for Training

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    Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Laws

    • ADA Law and FAQ

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    Intro to Service Dog Training

    • Training Cues for Service Dogs in Training

    • Teaching Sit - Stationary Behavior

    • Foundations of Leave it

    • Environmental Check-ins


    • Teaching Down - Put Your Belly on the Floor

    • Release Cue

    • A note about The Protocols of Relaxation

    • Protocols for Relaxation

    • Targeting skills - Touch Hand with Nose

    • Stay means STAY means STAY

    • Mat work - Place

    • Drop it - put whatever is in your mouth in my hand.

    • Take it

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    Targeting Skills

    • Targeting Skills

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    Canine Good Citizen Test Items

    • CGC Test Items

  • 8

    Task Work

    • Targeting Skills

    • Target items

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    Mobility Work

    • Rising from a seated position